Mochovská 310/23, Praha 9
Po-St, Pá: 10-12 a 13-17
Čt: po dohodě
Tel.: 284 820 939 (10-12, 13-17)
GSM: 602 371 133 (10-12, 13-17)
E-mail: obchod@supra.cz
Měřící přístroj pro sledování jasu oblohy (Sky Quality Meter).
Uses: Find out how good the night or site REALLY is. Compare the sky brightness at different sites quantitatively. Document the evolution of light pollution in your area. Set planetarium dome illumination to mimic the skies people are likely to experience elsewhere in the city. Monitor sky brightness through the night, night-to-night, and year-to-year. Determine which nights show the greatest promise for finding the ’faintest fuzzies’! Calibrate the effect of sky brightness on qualitative measures such as the Bortle Scale. Investigate how sky brightness correlates with the solar cycle and month-to-month sunspot activity. Help provide local ground truth for future sky brightness prediction with the Clear Sky Clock. CCD users can make a correlation between the SQM reading and when the background reaches some ADC level. Features: Sky brightness reported in visual magnitudes per square arcsecond. Infrared blocking filter restricts measurement to visual bandpass. Sensor temperature, model number, and serial number are provided. Precision readings at even the darkest sites. Field-upgradeable firmware Open protocol document Specifications: Ethernet connectivity Included applications for reading data in Java, C, Perl, Python. The Half Width Half Maximum (HWHM) of the angular sensitivity is ~10°. The Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) is then ~20°. The sensitivity to a point source ~19° off-axis is a factor of 10 lower than on-axis. A point source ~20° and ~40° off-axis would register 3.0 and 5.0 magnitudes fainter, respectively. Operates from 5-6VDC adapter (included). Size 3.6 x 2.6 x 1.1 in. Maximum light sampling time: 80 seconds. Minimum light sampling time: 1 seconds. Specifications are subject to change without notice. What you get: SQM-LE unit Power adapter (120VAC input for North America customers, International adpater for everywhere else) SQM-LE users manual CD with PDF manual and example software 6ft Ethernet cable Calibration sheet indicates unit MAC address, and calibration values
zbraně, střelivo, outdoor - po - st, pá: 10-12 a 13-17
602 371 133